Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Change Will Do You Good

The aspects of change shake our core as we evaluate the norm and begin to step outside the box. I think that it is important to change and evolve and to learn and grow. So long as these changes are improvements. Holding steadfast to what we started with and where we are going - we change many times and in many ways over the course of our lives. These changes are the steps we take to become the person we are - the perception and persona that we give to the world each day.

Change can be as easy as changing the sheets or changing your clothes. What would be harder would be instead of just changing the sheets - rearranging the room. To go along with that same thought instead of changing clothes to change your entire wardrobe - but that could get costly. What could be some positive changes that will lead to better days in the future? Here we go:

Cut out complaining, it gets you know where and it brings down moral. A better option being to grin and bear what comes your way and do your best to avoid the things that bring you cause for complaint.

Another example would be to be frugal. In this economy why not cut back? Get the necessities and form your budget to your needs on the basis of your home, car, food, and recreation. This can be hard too - but very rewarding.

Wait a minute…what am I doing here? Am I trying to give people examples of ways to change things up? You all know what to do - we all do. The problem is that we get so complacent in situations and habits that we resist change because of the effort it will take to switch things around. An alternative thought should be that change will inspire you to do more things for yourself and positive changes will improve your life and happiness.

I know what you are thinking already: "What a load of junk!" You may be right. But if you are feeling a little bored or boring, if you feel like you need a little nudge in the right direction. Start small and test your strength at changing things ups. You'll be surprised at how easy it is and how happy you will be about your improvements.

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