Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Excuse me sir, do you have the time?"

Monday, January 18Th came and went and gave a nation the chance to remember a man and his movement. A man who would have been 81 on January 15, was remembered for the work he did to improve civil rights in the United States. Sharing the name of another great reformer Martin Luther who led the Protestant Reformation, the two men are known the world over for not going silently into the night.

Although I do not see myself as an activist there are causes that I support and fight for in my own way. It is important for me to know that the life I lead may help to improve life for the generations that follow. Wow, that was deep. Right?

Is it really that easy? Can one life change things for others? I think so!

Gandhi gracefully said: "We must be the change we want to see in the world."

What change is that? In what direction do we want the world and it's people to go? That said, what directions haven't we already gone? Could it be that there are still paths that we haven't traveled? I think so!

Dr. King was the leader of a movement that our country has been forever changed by. A concept of acceptance that seems so simple, but at the time was, in fact, a difficult mountain to climb. It is my opinion that we as a nation should continue to find those mountains, climbing each until those obstacles are all in our rear view mirrors.

Be that as it may, these obstacles will shake us, they will make us question ourselves, they will rock us to our very core. Be it economical, social, or any other issue; the obstacles will always bargain with us for our sanity! We must stay strong!

Let the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and his wife Coretta Scott King, the work of their family as a whole be a example of courage in a time when courage was needed. And let it not only be in the month of February that we recognize people who have helped to change things for the greater good. People who have helped shape our America into the type of country that it was invented to be.

As my wise Aunt Judy often contributes: "Sometimes all we have to give is our time."

Time works!

Can you spare some?

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