Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hail to The Chief

President's Day came and went and I only touched lightly on the subject in yesterday's blog. Mae West had snatched my attention...moving on.

On Monday I had an interesting conversation with a friend about President Washington. We discussed the magnitude his service and efforts on behalf our country, when it was new. We marveled at how that service had held such lasting impact. I trust that Washington knew that generations to come would know him for these important American roles he played, but I wonder if he really knew how far his name would reach?

Just to be silly...what if when you drove into our nation's capitol a sign read "Welcome to Storms, D.C." To take that even farther, what if there was a state and apples named after me or you? What if mine or your faces appeared on quarters and dollar bills? I know they don't get much traction anymore, but what if?

Washington's leadership in the American Revolution, his efforts in founding our nation and ultimately setting so many precedents as our nations first President gives him his spot in history for the ages. We have continued to memorialize Washington for his great service and rightfully so! He set the tone for the forty three men who have followed including our current President, Barack Obama.

All to often we hear of the mistakes made by Presidents. Historians dig the dirt and we rehash their every move. Today I would like to shed some light on some of good things our Presidents have accomplished over our two hundred and thirty four year history. They are as follows:

Thomas Jefferson helped us attain the Louisiana Purchase from France. This not only expanded our borders but gave us control of the port at New Orleans. This expansion also led to further exploration through the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves by enacting the Emancipation Proclamation, led our country through the Civil War and delivered the all inspiring Gettysburg address.

President Theodore Roosevelt was instrumental in the infrastructure which is now our National Parks System. These parks conserve thousands of acres of our nations beauty.

President Woodrow Wilson invented the idea of a League of Nations. Even though we did not join due to the Congresses decision at that time, that same idea has come true through the United Nations. He was also the Commander in Chief during World War I

Franklin D. Roosevelt led us through the Great Depression by enacting many public institutions. A few of those institutions are still in operation such as: Social Security and the Tennessee Valley Authority. He also presided over our involvement in World War II.

President Eisenhower balanced the budget, not once but three times.

President Kennedy started our journey through NASA into space.

President Reagan through diplomacy helped to end the Cold War.

Just to name a few...

Note that none of these Presidential gifts to our country were small. I wish I had more time to indulge you, but I know that my point has been made. These few accolades were listed right off the top of my head, and I appreciate them all personally. Whether the President was a Whig, Democrat, or Republican I like to think these forty four have and are serving us to the best of their own abilities. Throughout time the office has proved to be a difficult one to master, just as it is to obtain. Be that as it may, we hold an interesting place in our hearts and minds for our President's and their families. We not only lean on them to lead us but we lean on them to let us know that things are going to be okay. I guess that relationship can be best described in this fashion:

Presidents! You can't live with them and you can't live with out them!

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