Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Attitude IS Everything!

When allergies and allergy medications team up on you, you don't always need a rainy day to be gloomy, or in a fog.

Don't worry, it happened to me yesterday. All day I felt like Sesame Street's Oscar The Grouch, and for those of you that know me...that just doesn't fit into my schedule.

All things considered, I managed to make it through the work day, a silent bus ride home, and I thought it best to put myself to bed in hopes for a better day today. But that didn't fit into my schedule either.

A conversation with my neighbor and good friend Chad, made me realized that bad moods should ultimately be eliminated from our days. It wasn't anything that he said in particular, it was just the way that he behaves. This guy seems to tackle life everyday just like everyone else. The only difference will never see him without a smile on his face. We all know the familiar cliche`:Attitude is everything; it truly is.

Inspired by my friend, I too am jumping back on to that bandwagon. Kicking those allergy medications that bring me down to the curb and welcoming that smile back to my face. It's important to put your best foot forward everyday and being a grouch doesn't fit into that equation. We need more people out there that are committed to doing just that. Everyone that we come in contact with receives some sort of vibe from our demeanor and from our interpersonal behavior. That said, being positive should always be in our favor.

People like Chad make it look easy, unfortunately that's not always the case. But at least they are out there smiling! As if to remind us that it's not so bad. From here on out I'm with him and others like him!

Vitamin C put it best in their song Smile:
"Put a smile on your face...make the world a better place!"
Good idea!

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