Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The World of Television.

After being laid up for a couple of days with the annual head cold I became reacquainted with the world with in ours; which is Television.

Was it the cold and sinus tablets or did my mind really get trapped again watching the infomercial depicting knives that cut through bricks and aluminum cans. And by the way, who cuts up bricks with knifes?

Regardless, it is what it is. Television has something for all of us. Yesterday I got to explore that medium more than usual. Which brought me to a few conclusions...

In many ways TV personalities go places we can't go; they speak truths that we may not feel comfortable speaking. These people can come into our home and take us on an exotic vacations, cook a gourmet meal before our very eyes, fall in love, solve mysteries, and compete in contests. No matter what ideas they are pursuing for thirty minutes and sometimes more, we as viewers get to go along.

Throughout televisions, still young, history the trade has improved in leaps and bounds and there is no possible way to predict where television will take us in the future. Ever since it has existed it has created controversy. But why?

Here are my thoughts.

Too much of anything is not good! Spread yourself around when it comes to TV, especially with your children. Don't just keep it on, you can learn more from a book or a hike. Get outside when it's warm and nice. Make up your own mind, do not rely on news casters, actors, or writers of film or TV programs to tell you what is right or wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I love cable. I pay dearly just like everyone else to be able to browse through hundreds of programs daily. I enjoy all sorts of shows and movies on the tube. This season in fact I am following two programs: American Idol, for some odd reason and A & E's: Hoarders, which is reminiscent of my former occupation. I'm hooked and it is easy to do.

Censorship has been an issue since the beginning of "TV Time," and there is an answer to that too. Don't watch what you don't like. It is that simple, these programs stay on the air based on viewers and ratings. You do have a voice!

But not so fast. Don't get the idea that you are going to stop the hands of time in a way that keeps language or nudity or public agenda off your screens. That is not going to happen. These things will march on just like time. For those of you that know how much I love to use clichés you will appreciate this one: "Chivalry's dead and we killed it."

Give TV a break! Enjoy it in moderation and under no circumstances let it rule your life. And when controversy arises, take a look at the world that we live in. We beg to be shocked and surprised. We live in an age that is progressive and in many ways we should be proud of that. We should look back at TV history as something that is innovative and entertaining. A field that has constantly raised the bar. Have they raised some eyebrows? Of course. But who doesn't?

TV, can't live with it, can't live with out it! Ha!

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