Monday, March 22, 2010

Some Give All

Some of the revolving headlines on included: Millionaires Who Gave It All Away. Wow, what an idea.

As I read the headline I didn't catch the surprise that it's author had anticipated. Once upon a time, I knew of a story that was oh so similar. "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer," is a statement that I have often heard - often with a sigh - over the years. But once in a while there are individuals that get creative when making plans for what should happen to their assets and their estate upon their death. This brings to mind a story of a person who did just that.

A parent and a spouse widowed by all and left with four walls and the financial security of a lifetime. The money was only something to remind this individual of the brighter days. It was never something that fueled the days that filled the individual’s life. Instead of living lavishly, this person lived comfortably and was surrounded by friends, lots of books and lent some time to travel.

Scholarships, a library, and the Salvation Army, benefited from the generosity of an innocent bystander. An act of kindness that would change other peoples lives with a stroke of a pen. As if to say: I know this is what is right, and I hope it is used to make others breathe easier.

Once in a lifetime, we all come to a point that life ends. Whether or not we have amassed a fortune is left up to our view of prosperity and success. The six people that were listed on MSN this morning were only a fraction of good people out there with out family to bestowed their riches upon.

Although it is not often thought of in this way, I've also known of people that gave tons of money away while they were alive. Not waiting on the reading of the will to share their wealth with others. Generosity comes in so many forms and without knowing, we experience much of it everyday.

Countless hours given in volunteerism daily by citizens that seek no other compensation but the joy it brings them to lend a helping hand. The checks that are written to keep our playhouses open and the arts thriving; so that another generation will live to be intrigued by the arts in all their forms. Soup kitchens, shelters, churches, non-profits large and small, are all supported in one way or another by generosity.

Charity is an act of kindness that exist among us all and the webs that these networks create are safety nets for so many. It's a tale as old as the race that we belong to. As long as we have been roaming the planet, humans have been finding ways to help each other out. Isn't that nice?

Although we all pitch in for schools, roads and other necessities through taxes; we often pitch in with our neighbors for the extras. Why do we do it?

Just like the person that I referred to earlier, because it is the right thing to do. Some where along the way this kind soul figured out the riddle. With little fanfare this person faded away, leaving behind all their wealth to others. Giving total strangers access to higher education in all it's forms and help from an organization set up to do just All the while knowing that it would change peoples lives. Knowing that if it were possible this small fortune would have gone on to their own child, but without that option it was to be shared with other parents children.

Today I am surprised that I was not surprised by the headlines...and what a blessing!

For kb and others like that.

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