Thursday, April 8, 2010

Let's Talk About Music...I Like That!

Churches, Dance Halls, Bars and Beaches all use music to keep their flocks swaying and smiling. I love music and don't know what I would do without it. The latest tune or an uncovered oldie might be my new obsession at any point - it just has to strike the right chord, no pun intended!

So what do I's hard to say because I like so many different types of music. Here goes nothing!

Joni Mitchell: I love this Canadian artists and I remember when once I was in the living room with my Mom and Dad at home, probably in the mid 1990s, watching TV. This was some sort of televised benefit and Joni Mitchell crossed the stage casually and performed for the likes of then President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton. I was amazed at what her voice and the words of that epic song did to me. I have loved that song ever since then and I love it for the same reason that I love all the songs that I do. I told a story that I understood. It's as simple as that!

The Beatles: Who doesn't know about the Beatles? Or better yet who couldn't name one or two of their songs? Particularly I love; Here Comes the Sun, and Eleanor Rigby; in lyric and tune these two songs appeal to me...there are others.

Gordon Lightfoot: His song inspired me to title this blog If you could read my mind..., and I love his song The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Ray Charles, Miles Davis, Etta James, Bette Midler, Madonna, Willie Nelson, Dolly, Dave Matthews, the list could go on and on and on. It really could. On iTunes or Pandora, the radio or TV I am always listening to music of some sort. It helps me tick. Some music brings out different feelings, moods or emotions and some I can listen to without really listening. All and all I am a nut for these notes that flow from instruments and voices, they are stories too.

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